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Zac Gray

Customers rated Zac Gray 5.0 out of 5 based on 39 reviews

Every day a new challenge. Dare to live true emotions, come and meet me. 10.2 Inches of Dick (26cm)
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Mar 10th @ 10:44am EDT

Continuation:I was already erect to see those 2 men of different ages erect ... (we will name them to be able to name them, the young Max and the adult Jonas)Jonas: and you won't get in the water, it's pretty refreshing ... he tells me while he touched his cock secretly. While Max was still playing with Sasha.Me: well now that you say it, if I need a little cold water ... and also secretly while I said that, I adjusted my cock since the erection bothered me and I noticed how Jonas saw me while letting him see his white teeth when giving a itchy smile.I took off my shorts to stay in a boxer trying to cover my erection with my hands and I approached where they were.After talking for a while or rather answering routine questions, what I was doing, where I lived, age and all those things.Max calls Jonas and tells him to go to a kind of waterfall that was very relaxing, it was more like a small watercourse channel with a small waterfall, Jonas swims by and Max holds out his hand as it he was in the channel holding a stone preventing the flow of water to drag him. When Jonas approaches Max, he reaches out to help him get where he was. so they were stuck max I was on my back and I had Jonas glued to his butt what caused in me, an excitement that I no longer controlled, my mind was flying, I did not understand, I was wondering if they were a couple ...In a moment Max is dragged and laughs comes close to where I am but unwittingly touches my cock when I get out of the water, the water almost reached my chest, so Jonas did not realize what happened. It made me sad and surprised, but when I saw Max's face on his way out, it was also surprising but with a gleam in my eyes and accompanied by a half laugh of taste, which left me even more confused and excited.In that Jonas says: hey Zac see this is very funny as well as relaxing, I cheer up and start swimming and we do the same thing that Max had done with jonas, he stretches his arm to shake my hand which I take impulse and release but this when he saw me that he was not yet subject to the rocks, he takes me by the waist to get closer to them and in that he gets closer and places me in front of him, leaving me with swords to him and I could feel something hard on my buttocks .. It was his hard cock stuck to my buttocks, I was even more excited ... Max had already touched my cock and now I had Jonas's cock pinking my buttocks ...Remember to let me know if you like my story, don't stop motivating me to continue with this true story ...


Mar 10th @ 10:43am EDT

Continuación:Ya estaba erecto al ver a esos 2 hombres de diferentes edades erectos... (le pondremos nombre a ellos para poder nombrarlos, el joven Max y el adulto Jonas)Jonas: y no te meterás al agua, esta bastante refrescante... me dice mientas se tocaba su polla disimuladamente. Mientras Max seguía jugando con Sasha.Yo: bueno ahora que lo dices, si necesito un poco de agua fría... y también disimuladamente mientras yo decía eso me acomodaba la polla ya que la erección me incomodaba y notaba como Jonas me veía mientras dejaba ver sus dientes blancos al dar una sonrisa picara.Me quite el short para quedarme en bóxer tratando de tapar con mis manos mi erección y me acerque a donde estaban ellos.Después de estar hablando un rato o mejor dicho contestando preguntas de rutina, que a que me dedicaba, que donde vivía, edad y todas esas cosas.Max llama a Jonas y le dice que vaya a una especie de cascada que era muy relajante, era mas bien un pequeño canal de corriente de agua con una pequeña caída de agua, Jonas se acerca nadando y Max le tiende la mano ya que este se encontraba en el canal agarrado de una piedra evitando que la corriente de agua lo arrastrara. Cuando jonas se acerca a Max este le tiende la mano para ayudarlo a llegar a donde estaba. por lo que quedaron pegados max estaba de espalda y tenia a Jonas pegado a su trasero lo que causo en ,mi una excitación que ya no controlaba, mi mente volaba, no entendía, me preguntaba si eran pareja...En un momento Max es arrastrado y entre risas llega cerca a donde estoy pero sin querer toca mi polla al momento de salir del agua, el agua me llegaba casi a mi pecho, por lo que Jonas no se dio cuenta de lo que paso. A mi me dio pena y me sorprendió pero al ver la cara de Max al salir también fue de sorpresa pero con un brillo en los ojos y acompañada de una media risa de gusto lo que me dejo aun mas confundido y excitado.En eso Jonas dice: hey Zac ven esto es muy divertido ademas de relajante, yo me animo y comienzo a nadar y hacemos lo mismo que había hecho Max con jonas, este estira su brazo para darme la mano la cual tomo me impulso y lo suelto pero este al verme que aun no estaba sujeto a las rocas me toma de la cintura para acércame mas a ellas y en eso el se arrima y me coloca delante de el quedando yo de espadas a el y pude sentir algo duro en mis nalgas... Era su polla dura pegada a mis nalgas, yo estaba aun mas excitado... ya Max había tocado mi polla y ahora tenia la polla de jonas rosando mis nalgas... Continuara.--Recuerda hacerme saber si te gusta mi relato, no dejes de motivarme para seguir con esta historia real...


Mar 4th @ 6:50am EST

Today I will tell you an adventure that I had just arrived in Medellin. Those who know me know that I live in a town of Medellin in front of a river that many people resort to spend the weekends camping and cooling off in its waters. I have a pet at home called Sasha is a pretty dog &'&'who likes to go for a walk in the mountains and swim in the river, so I had a routine of taking her every day upstream to the mountain enjoying the scenery and the cold water of the wells that they make so that the water is deeper and to be able to bathe and throw themselves from the rocks. Well said that I start the story. That day as many I went out with Sasha I was going along the roads that I know that are not very busy by visitors, seeing all the visitors that were around the river that day already in a remote part of the crowd were two men bathing, They were about 18 and 45 years old, they bathed in their underwear, Sasha, seeing the men, got into the water so I had to stop and start calling her while the guy started playing with Sasha and asking me things like the name of the dog, if he was a puppy, among others, until now the men were submerged as if seated by the water, but in a moment the boy gets up to continue with the game I had with sasha when I noticed of his between leg and wow, you could tell a good package, it seemed that he was erect, I could not help fixing my eyes to his crotch when the older man says nice puppy, right? So I get out of my lethargy and looking at him the man looked at me with a mischievous smile, he had realized what he was looking for so that while he stared at me he got up and my eyes went to his crotch noticing a lump even larger than the boy's, his boxer was instantly bursting my crotch began to wake up being my erection remarkable, both for the boy and his partner ... This story will continue ...If you want me to continue telling my adventures let me know and do not forget to motivate me with Credits to continue writing ...

Aventuras de Zac (2 hombre en el Rio parte 1)

Mar 4th @ 6:46am EST

Hoy les contare una aventura que tuve recién llegado a Medellin. Los que me conocen saben que vivo en una localidad de medellin frente a un río que recurren muchos habitantes para pasar los fines de semana acampar y refrescarse en sus aguas. Tengo una mascota en casa llamada Sasha es una linda perra que le gusta salir a pasear a la montaña y nadar en el río, por lo que tenia una rutina de llevarla todos los días río arriba hacia la montaña disfrutar del paisaje y del agua fría de los pozos que hacen para que el agua sea mas profunda y poder bañarse y lanzarse de las rocas. Bueno dicho esto comienzo el relato. Ese día como muchos salí con Sasha iba por los caminos que me conozco que no son muy transitado por los visitantes, viendo a todos los visitantes que estaban ese día a los alrededores del río ya en una parte alejada de la multitud estaban dos hombres bañándose, tenían unos 18 y 45 años, estos se bañaban en ropa interior, Sasha al ver a los hombres se metió al agua por lo que me tuve que detener y comenzar a llamarla mientras que el chico joven comenzó a jugar con Sasha y preguntarme cosas como el nombre de la perra, si era cachorra, entre otras, hasta el momento los hombres estaban sumergidos como sentados por lo que el agua le llegaba al pecho, pero en un momento el chico se levanta para seguir con el juego que tenia con sasha cuando me percato de su entre pierna y wow, se le notaba un buen paquete, parecía que estaba erecto, no pude evitar fijar mi vista a su entrepierna cuando el hombre mayor dice lindo cachorro no??? por lo que me saco de mi letargo y al mirarlo el hombre me miraba con una sonrisa picara, se había dado cuenta de lo que estaba mirando por lo que mientras me miraba fijamente se levantaba y mis ojos se fueron a su entrepierna notando un bulto aun mas grande que el del chico, su bóxer estaba que reventaba instantáneamente mi entrepierna comenzó a despertar siendo notable mi erección, tanto para el chico como para su compañero... Esta historia continuara...Si quieres que siga relatando mis aventuras házmelo saber y no olvides motivarme con Créditos para seguir escribiendo....

Know me

Jan 10th @ 12:35pm EST

I want to make your fantasies come true, My name is Zacarias and I want to explore me and explore all your senses, my 23 years, I think I have enough experience to make you feel pleasure addictive level. Dare to know just completely and then you do not want to be without me one day.


Jan 10th @ 12:34pm EST

Quiero hacer tus fantasías realidad, Me llamo Zacarias y quiero explorarme y explorar todos tus sentidos, a mis 23 años, creo tener la experiencia suficiente para hacerte sentir placer a nivel adictivo. Solo atrévete a conocerme completamente y te luego no querrás estar sin verme un día.


Dec 11th @ 3:12pm EST

I wonder why they have people coming to our chat rooms and one greets them and do not say anything and go ... I wish I could get into the minds of people to better understand humanity ... My understanding not He reaches there. But for my part I am the original greeting anyone registered user knowing even that person has one year without spending a credit to anyone, and that we can know our models ... Have a great day and remember if you go to my room, say hello does not have a credit value, it has a moral value.

La educación ante todo.

Dec 11th @ 3:12pm EST

Me pregunto porque habrán personas que entran a nuestras salas de Chat y uno las saluda y no te dicen nada y se van... Me gustaría poder entrar en la mente de las personas para así entender mejor a la humanidad... Mi entendimiento no llega hasta allá. Pero por mi parte soy original saludo a todo aquel usuario registrado sabiendo aun que esa persona tiene un año sin gastar un crédito a nadie, ya que eso lo podemos saber nosotros los modelos... Que tengan un feliz día y recuerda si entras a mi sala, salúdame eso no tiene un Valor en Créditos, Tiene un valor moral.

Zac reflection

Dec 9th @ 3:47pm EST

Today I want to wish everyone a Happy December ... and fulfilled seven months transmitting and really I have met many who at the beginning regarded users, there are more than that, they are already loving friends and ... I like to be with me cause joy, and I would like to have more and more because I feel that I learn from them and you learn from me, today I want to dedicate this blog to all of you and everyone who at this Christmas time is one of the saddest either because they don't have to their parents or first-born either because they are far away or simply they are no longer there, and this time they tend to go into depression and sadness ... I sympathize with you since it also happens to me and Christmas as they were in my house with my grandmother My mother and brothers no longer returned, my grandmother is no longer in a physical state although she is always present in my mind and heart and says that someone dies when one forgets. But it is the law of life and death we buy at birth, it is a ticket that does not expire until the day we use it. We must each time have something to live for and be happy, we are owners of our happiness, if you want to talk about the subject then come, here you will have someone to help you with useful tips to feel good ... I love you


Nov 22nd @ 3:00pm EST

A few months ago I live on a sidewalk in front of a river where many people frequent to bathe, Especially the weekends, weekdays is more alone but still there is always some guy bathing, one day I was bored at home and I decided to go to the river to bathe , when I got to the well where they bathed there was only one boy, I would be 18 to 19 years old, white, thin 1.70 high and honey-colored eyes, there was eye contact from the beginning since we were the only ones there, I decided to bathe in underwear (boxer) so as not to wet the shorts and i get cooler on the way out, in what I took off my shorts the boy didn't take his eyes off my cock, so I imagined that he liked cocks so the devil that lives inside me woke up and puts the morbid to me a thousand. so I decided to seek contact with him. I went to the part of the waterfall and entered inside it, the space inside the waterfall was something small one was left under a stone and I could only take out the head to breathe and there could only 2 people but very stuck and the one that first entered had to give it hand to the other to help him get in and stay under it. so I went out and he asks me how I did that, that he would like to go in there, that if he could breathe, I answered all his questions and explained how to get in, but by the current of water I could not, then I decided to go in me and shake his hand to help him in , and so I entered our bodies were glued, my mouth was close to his ear my right hand was attached to his waist so that the stream of water did not expel him, and my sleeping cock remained all over the slit of his ass... Continue

Historia de sexo, El chico del río

Nov 22nd @ 2:58pm EST

Hace unos meses que vivo en una vereda frente a un rió donde frecuentan muchas personas a bañarse, Sobre todo los fines de semanas, entre semana es mas solo pero igual siempre hay algún chico bañándose, un día estaba aburrido en casa y decidí ir al rió a bañarme, al llegar a el pozo donde se bañan solo había un chico, tendría de 18 a 19 años, blanco, delgado 1,70 de alto y unos ojos color miel, hubo contacto visual desde el principio ya que eramos los únicos allí, decidí bañarme en ropa interior (boxer) para no mojar el pantaloncillo y darme mas frió al salir, en lo que me quite el pantaloncillo el chico no quitaba su mirada de mi polla, por lo que me imagine que a el le gustaban las pollas así que se despertó el diablo que vive dentro de mi y me pone el morbo a mil. así que decidí buscar contacto con el. me fui hacia la parte de la cascada y entre dentro de ella, el espacio dentro de la cascada era algo pequeño uno quedaba debajo de una piedra y solo podía sacar la cabeza para respirar y allí podían entrar solo 2 personas pero muy pegadas y el que primero entrara tenia que darle la mano al otro para ayudarlo a entrar y mantenerse debajo de ella. así que salí y el me pregunta como hice eso, que le gustaría entrar allí, que si se podía respirar, conteste a todas sus preguntas y le explique como entrar, pero por la corriente de agua no podía, entonces decidí entrar yo y darle la mano para ayudarlo a entrar, y así entro nuestros cuerpos quedaron pegados, mi boca estaba cerca a su oreja mi mano derecha se agarro a su cintura para que la corriente de agua no lo expulsara, y mi polla dormida quedo en toda la raja de su culo... Continuara

Thinking of you

Nov 22nd @ 2:34pm EST

It's hard being away from your comfort zone where you had everything and did not know it, and now you need to the most insignificant than previously tapeworms or lived ... That's the life of an immigrant, we find it hard to adapt, but all day struggle with the invisible ghost ...

Metrobus story in

Oct 25th @ 5:45pm EDT

Today came to study metronus and as usual came to be very busy rush hour. At one point remains standing right next to a man about 55 years with the movement of the bus was inevitable touch my penis with shoulder sir, at first I was embarrassed because it was not my intension but at one point felt the man began to move his shoulder in a way that made him a massage my penis which was getting hard. At one point looked and Mr. glanced at me and pico an eye, which gave me to understand that he was gay and liked, I did not carry underwear so my cock stood like a rock and the I began to agarar over the Pantalos, wow was in the clouds know that there were many people around and the man was masturbating me furtively almost run me right there .... the things you found on the street ...


Aug 29th @ 1:42am EDT

I am grateful first with God and then with all those who have helped me at this stage of my life, I am about to reach the next level on the page, thanks to all those who have helped me, I will always be grateful. Thank you for helping This Venezuelan (somehow they have been part of helping a Venezuelan Family) since my family counts on me, and I with you, thank you very much.Kisses.ZacEstoy agradecido primero con Dios y luego con todos los que me han ayudado en esta etapa de mi vida, estoy a punto de alcanzar el siguiente nivel en la página, gracias a todos los que me han ayudado, siempre estaré agradecido. Gracias a ustedes por ayudar a Este Venezolano (de alguna manera han sido participes de ayudar a una Familia Venezolana) ya que mi familia cuenta conmigo, y yo con ustedes, mil gracias.Besos.Zac

Live your life.

Jul 11th @ 1:52am EDT

Do not feel bad because something is missing, we always feel that something is missing but we do not realize what we have. And what we have is that someone lacks. Let's be grateful with life and at the end of the day let's not say a term one more day, we must see that we have one day less ... Live your life

I want you to follow me and notice my change

Jun 13th @ 6:23pm EDT

I want you to follow me and notice my change. I've already started going to the gym and I want me to notice my physical change, let's show that we can be as we want and where we want if we propose it. Kisses.ZAC

The part of the body that I notice in a person///La parte del cuerpo que noto en una persona.

May 17th @ 11:45pm EDT

The part of the body that I focus on a person, are their EYES, the eyes speak for themselves, the look of people is a window of the soul and there you can know many things about people. I am so Sentimental and sencible and that in turn is addicted to sex and morbid. The ZAC wants themLa parte del cuerpo en la que me enfoco en una persona, son sus OJOS, los ojos hablan por sí mismos, el aspecto de las personas es una ventana del alma y allí puedes saber muchas cosas acerca de las personas. Soy tan sentimental y sencible y eso a su vez es adicto al sexo y al morbo. La ZAC los quiere.

Never take advantage of the Vulnerability of others///// Nunca aproveches la vulnerabilidad de los demás.

May 17th @ 5:47am EDT

Never take advantage of the Vulnerability of others, I do not like people who play with feelings and want to profit and benefit themselves at the expense of others, do not do that is bad ... ZAC wants them.Nunca aproveche la Vulnerabilidad de los demás, no me gustan las personas que juegan con los sentimientos y quieren sacar provecho y beneficiarse a costa de los demás, no lo hagan eso es malo ... ZAC los quiere.

With a lot of desire to finish with you///// Con muchas ganas de acabar junto a ti.

May 15th @ 1:30am EDT

I love the morbid, I love fetishes and fetish people, I love the older ones and know that I am the one who dominated the situation, make you end up with me and see how I get erect and I masturbate wildly.Amo a los morbosos, me gustan los fetichistas y a los fetiches, amo a los mayores y saber que soy el que dominó la situación, te hago terminar conmigo y veo cómo me pongo erguido y me masturbo violentamente.

I dedicate it to you ...

May 10th @ 2:59am EDT

You who are reading these words that are the expression of a tender and sensitive boy sentimentally but like everyone has a demon that makes me hot and sex lover, to try many things and that in versatility is the taste at its best exponent

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